Contact: Alejandro GIACOMOTTI
This project, at the interface between nanophotonics and quantum optics, is related to the nascent domain of driven dissipative coupled cavities in a quantum regime. Recently, a few theoretical studies have shown that nonlinear coupled nanocavities can emit quantum correlated photons in the presence of a so-called “modest” nonlinearity, i.e. in absence of localized emitters, thanks to interferences in the coupled cavity system [2–3]. Specifically, we seek to investigate nonlinear phenomena with few photons – less than 10, that is to say in a regime of a strong quantum noise – in coupled nonlinear photonic crystal active nanocavities. This is a nascent research area that may enable a wealth of interesting phenomena ranging from nonequilibrium photon statistics [1] and few photon bifurcations to non-classical states of light [4]. Experimental signatures of quantum correlations and entanglement close to few photon nonlinear transitions constitutes a major mid to long term goal of this project, with high potential impact in the field of nonlinear and quantum nanophotonics. The current ANR-PRC project UNIQ (Unconventional iNtegrated nanophotonIc sources with Quantum correlations, coordinator: A. GIACOMOTTI) will enable the first steps in this direction.
C. CIUTI (MPQ, Paris)
A. EISFELD (Max Planck, Dresden)
Figure 1: sketw of few photon coupled cavities.
Figure 2: Simulated response of coupled nanolasers under excitation of a short pulse showing the distribution of the population difference between the modes and more generally the distribution of the optical field.
[1] M. Marconi, J. Javaloyes, P. Hamel, F. Raineri, A. Levenson, and A. M. Yacomotti, Far-from-equilibrium route to superthermal light in bimodal nanolasers, Phys. Rev. X 8, 011013 (2018).
[2] T. C. H. Liew and V. Savona, Physical Review Letters 104, 183601 (2010).
[3] M. Bamba, A. Imamog ̆lu, I. Carusotto, and C. Ciuti, Phys. Rev. A 83, 021802 (2011).
[4] W. Casteels and C. Ciuti, Phys. Rev. A 95, 013812 (2017).